When a new franchise is granted or when an existing franchise moves to another city, the Players Association shall, upon request and within a reasonable period of time, have the right to inspect the facility to be used by such franchise. Similarly, the Players Association shall, upon reasonable notice to the Team(s) involved and the NBA, have the right to inspect the training camp and practice facilities used by such Team(s). If, following such inspection, the Players Association is of the opinion that the playing conditions at such facility will endanger the health and safety of NBA players, it shall promptly notify the Commissioner in writing. Promptly following such notice, representatives of the Players Association and of the Team(s) involved, and the Commissioner or his designee shall meet in an effort to resolve the matter. It is agreed that the failure of the parties to resolve the matter shall not impair the legally binding effect of this Agreement or create any right to (a) unilaterally implement during the term of this Agreement any provision concerning such unresolved matter, (b) lock out, or (c) strike. If no resolution satisfactory to the Players Association, the Team(s) involved and the Commissioner is reached, the issue whether the playing conditions at the facility in question will endanger the health and safety of NBA players will, without interruption of the schedule or training game or practice activities, immediately be submitted to and determined by the Grievance Arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of Article XXXI; provided, however, that the Grievance Arbitrator need not render an award within 24 hours of the conclusion of the hearing, but shall issue his award as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances.